About Us!

About Soup for Heart

Welcome to Soup for Heart! Our name probably gives you a pretty good clue about what you can expect from this website, but below you’ll find a more detailed description:

Soup for Heart is a website where you will learn about how to live your life to the fullest.Soup for Heart was started on 1st October 2024 as a motivational blog, however, with our journey forward, we started covering every aspect of happy and successful living.

This website is popular among readers to learn life management techniques and get a daily dose of inspiration through Inspiring Quotes, Motivational Stories, and Proven Success Mantras. We also share perpetual Lifestyle Secrets and Relationship Sutras which we think will surely help you to live your desired life.

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the wonderful world of the Internet, or you’re an experienced professional, we’ll have posts for you. We aim for a balance between beginner-friendly content and advanced tips.

The Team

Htoo Htoo – Editor

Htoo is responsible for the content of the site these days. She has 5+ years of experience with blogs, websites and Internet marketing, and online content creation. Htoo has also written for several high profile publications, and She is committed to helping readers and visitors to reach their goals.

Aung Myo Oo– Founder

Aung created his first website back in 2021. Over the years he built, many blogs and websites. He founded Soup for Heart in 2024 to share the tips and tricks he was learning along the way. He offers an honest take on personal development and getting more from life. These days his main focus is on finding better ways for an enhanced spiritual living.

We’d love to hear from you, whether you want to tell us about a post you loved, about a topic you wish we’d cover, or about a typo that you’ve spotted! Just head to our Contact page for ways to get in touch.