Top Prayers For My Husband’s Protection And Wellbeing

Prayers For My Husband’s Protection And Well-Being: Marriage is a sacred institution and its sanctity depends on the bonding of the couple. We all know the relationship between husband and wife depends on trust and love. The more they are committed to each other, the stronger will be their relationship.

But sometimes, in life, it happens that circumstances seem out of control. In those testing times, Prayer to God is proved as the most potent medium to get out of those terrible situations. Because when you invite the Lord to rule in your marriage, He will transform both of your lives in ways you never thought possible.

Whether it is for the protection and well-being of your husband or his growth in professional life, you can use these prayers to convey your feelings to God. Even girls who are all set to become a wife shortly would find this article very helpful.

Remember, your marriage can last a lifetime. Seek God in prayer, pray specifically as He leads you, and watch a miracle take place in your heart, your husband, and your relationship.

Marriage Prayer For Husband From A Wife

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the husband you have given me and all his wonderful qualities. Help me look for the good in my husband every day and overlook any perceived flaws. Help us stay committed to one another and keep us both from temptation.

Guide our future to glorify You and keep us healthy so we can work for your Kingdom. When we disagree, help us to approach one another with humility and respect. Deepen our communication and friendship so our relationship is stronger than ever.

Help us guide our children and our entire family closer to You each day. May we put You first, and in turn see our love grow. In Jesus, Name, Amen!

Prayer For Husband To Give Him Strength

Dear Lord, Thank You for my husband. Thank You for the privilege of walking hand in hand on life’s journey with him. Heavenly Father, I bring my husband before You today asking that You would bless him and shape him into the man he was designed to be.

Give him the strength to lead our family, as Christ led the church with love and humility. Equip him with his worth and show me ways that I might edify him. Dear God, Please protect his job, give him a peaceful work environment, and secure the position he has.

Grant him the patience and understanding he needs to love me the way that he should. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

Prayer of A Wife For A Fruitful Marriage

Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us. To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us. We ask for words both kind and loving, and for hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.

I decree that my husband’s life is filled with an abundance of favor. It shall be well with him in the morning and in the evening. Dear Lord, we put our marriage into Your divine hands. The mercies of the Lord shall be his in all he does. Amen!

Prayer For A Future Husband By A Future Wife

Dear Lord, My marriage is Yours. I submit it to you. May You help me in my role as a wife, be a woman of virtue, of patience, and of love. I pray that my marriage relationship will reflect your great love, by the way, we treat each other.

I pray that my future husband and I would not seek to benefit ourselves but each other and that we wouldn’t seek to fulfill our own wills, but rather strive together to fulfill your will. I pray for my future husband. Strength him as he leads our family.

Bless him, encourage him, and feed his soul. I pray that we would intentionally invest in our marriage daily, growing together in perfect harmony in Jesus’s name. Amen!

Prayer For Husband To Give Him Strength

Dear Lord, I lift up my husband to You right now. I pray that You would anoint him with strength. I pray that he will carry a smile on his face! I pray that You would send him encouragement throughout the day, and use me to affirm him.

I pray that you would like a cloak of love around his shoulders, that your truth would guide him every step, and that your hope would leap out of each new breath he takes.

Come Lord and enfold him, lift him, and guide him into goodness and grace. Bless my husband in great ways, and increase his faith and confidence in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Prayer For Husband To Transform Him

Dear Lord, I pray for my husband that he loves You deeply. My husband would have a heart for his children. He could make wise choices. I pray for my husband’s emotional, mental, and physical health. He could prosper at work.

God, My husband has been through a lot in his life and he needs your love and healing. Lord, Please show me the ways I can minister to him through your power and grace.

Help me to extend your presence to him through my words and actions. I pray this transforms him. Amen!

Prayer For Passion In Your Marriage

Dear God, Thank you for this beautiful day. I pray over my marriage, asking that you infuse my husband and me with passion for life, passion for love and intimacy, passion to grow in wisdom, and passion to serve you together.

Each day may I know that You are with us, You are at work in our union and You are weaving Your Kingdom into our lives. May hope to rise in our hearts and may our love be born for each other like never before.

Dear Lord, Please revive us and revive our marriage. In Jesus’s Name, Amen!

A Prayer For My Husband’s Protection

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband’s faith in you and your goodness continues to increase every day. If he has doubts, help dispel them and show him the truth of your promises and your love. Help my husband cling to the truth of your word and your presence in his life.

Dear Lord, Please give my husband peace of mind as he deals with the stresses of life. Give him clarity and wisdom as he makes decisions for himself and our family. Order his steps daily. Remind him that no matter what comes his way.

You, Lord, are able to help him. Strengthen his desire to grow and develop in you. To spend time in your presence and walk in obedience to your word. Bless him in everything and in every way. In Jesus’s name. Amen!

Prayer For Husband To Feel God’s Love

Here I am Lord! I pray for my husband. That he will humble himself before You and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in Your Word. Use me to encourage, love, and respect my husband!

I pray that you will raise him up as a spiritual leader in our home and that he will love me as Christ has loved the church. Lord, I don’t know everything about my husband, But what I do know is he is your child created by You.

Thank You for making him and thank you for allowing me the privilege of sharing my life with him. I ask that You always be the Lord of his life. Amen!

Prayer of A Couple For Forgiveness

Dear Heavenly Father, Please teach us how to forgive. Your word tells us to forgive others as You have also forgiven us. Restore in us a willing spirit, and help us not to point fingers or respond defensively. Help us to let go of resentment, and soften our hearts to choose love.

Teach us how to listen to each other and to really hear. Lord, it is Your will that we be reconciled together and that our love for each other will grow and blossom, no matter what has happened between us in the past.

Dear God, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Help us surrender and serve each other in Jesus’s Name. Amen!

Prayer To Become A Good Wife

Dear Lord, Please make me a wife who could show her husband respect, grace, and kindness. Fill up every space in my heart with your peace, love, and joy so that there’s no room for negative emotions. Remove my fears, insecurities, guilt, and the lies that I have fallen for.

Holy Spirit, I give you access to the deepest parts of my heart and ask that you refine me and guide me. Fill all of me with all of You! Here I am Lord! I Give You My Life, My Marriage, My Family! In Jesus’s Name, Amen!

Prayer For A Great Relationship

Dear God, Please make our relationship a great and holy adventure. May our joining be a sacred space. May the two of us find rest here, A Haven for souls. Remove from us any temptation to judge one another or to direct one another. We surrender to You our conflicts and our burdens.

Help us to not forget. Bring us together in heart and mind as well as the body. Remove from us the temptation to criticize or be cruel. May we not be tempted by fantasies and projections, But guide us in the way of holiness. Save us from the darkness.

May this relationship be a burst of light. May it be a fount of love and wisdom for us, For our family, for our community, for our community, for our world. May this bond be a channel for Your love and healing, A vehicle of Your grace and power.

As lessons come and challenges grow, Let us not be tempted to forsake each other. Let us always remember that in each other we have The most beautiful woman, the most beautiful man, The strongest one, and the sacred one in whose arms we are repaired.

May we remain young in this relationship. May we grow wise in this relationship. Bring us what You desire for us, And show us how You would us be. Thank God, dear God, You who are the cement between us. Thank You for this love. Amen!

Bible Prayer For My Husband

Father, I pray that from Your glorious, unlimited resources You will empower my husband with inner strength through Your Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in his heart as he trusts Him. My husband’s roots will grow down into Your love and keep him strong.

I pray that he will have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Your love is. I pray that he will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from You.

Now all glory to You, our God, because you are able, through Your mighty power at work within him, to accomplish infinitely more than he might ask or think.

Ephesians 3:16-21

Prayer From A Committed Wife

Heavenly Father,

  1. I know I am precious in your eyes, because of the redemptive work of Your Son, May I walk in the light of that new identity and be a precious wife.
  2. Help me to grow in faithfulness and excellence so that my husband’s trust in me would grow. Show me how to serve him in every way within my ability.
  3. May I bless my husband with kind thoughts, words, and actions, and seek not to harm him all the days of my life.
  4. Create in me a willing heart, that I may do my work in the home with dedication and joy.
  5. May I be diligent in preparing nourishing food for my family, both for the body and soul.
  6. Give me the selflessness to sacrifice in order to care for those I love.
  7. Please grant me discernment as I make everyday decisions for my home. Reveal ways I can be resourceful and steward your blessings well.
  8. Lord, may I abide in Your strength. Help me to be hard-working with my mind and body from start to finish.
  9. Father, fill my heart with the desire to labor for the well-being of my home. May I serve with intentional, devotion, and wise use of my time.

Proverbs 31

Short Prayers For Husband You May Like

  1. He is a man of wisdom and holds to the truth of Your Word as precious jewels. Protect his mind from the influences of this world, and help him stand strong against temptation.Cor 10:13
  2. Lord, Open my husband’s ears that he may hear from You. Before he turns to the left or the right, speak clear direction to him saying,’This is the way, walk in it.’ Amen!Isaiah 30:21
  3. Father, bind up my husband’s wounded heart. Help him rise above past hurts and injustices and not dwell on them. Help him see the new things You are doing in his life.Isaiah 43:18-19
  4. Lord, I pray for my husband and I trust that through your Word He is a man of integrity who pursues righteousness, godliness, faith, and love.Timothy 6:11
  5. Lord, help my husband make wise choices based on Your Word. Work in him to choose Your life and blessing every single day. Amen!Deuteronomy 30:19-20
  6. Lord, I believe and declare that in Christ You have not given my husband a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.Timothy 1:7
  7. Father, protect my husband as he goes about his day. Watch over his coming and his going both now and forevermore.Psalm 121:8
  8. Father, establish my husband in faithfulness to Your Word, keeping his body and soul holy and blameless before You.Thessalonians 5:23
  9. Father, anoint my husband with your peace, allowing Him to function in it at all times and in every way. Amen!Thessalonians 3:16
  10. I’m my husband’s safe place. Her husband can trust her and she will greatly enrich his life.Proverbs 31:11
  11. Lord, help my husband press on toward the goal for which You have called him.Philippians 3:12-14

Final Words:

Generally, we see that at the beginning of marriage, a husband loves his wife but as time passes the love of the husband also starts to decrease for his wife. He starts paying less attention to his wife. Some husbands don’t pay attention to their wives because they are generally busy with their work.

They don’t have time for their wives. But it should be remembered that every woman wants attention and care from her husband. If the husband doesn’t like his wife then it is obvious that he will get attracted to another woman. It is the duty of the wife that she should attract her husband towards herself.

For this, a wife can read these prayers for a strong husband-wife relationship.

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