Most Powerful Prayers For Marriage Restoration & Healing Troubled Marriages

Best Prayers For Marriage Restoration & Healing Broken Marriages: Are you struggling with an abusive relationship or marriage? Do you wish to be closer to someone who is distant? Do you wish to create something different in your life? If you are one of those who are trying their best to restore their marriage, this article is only for you.

We know marriage is too hard to handle alone and improving your relationship becomes very hard when your partner shows no sign to cooperate with you. On the one hand, the husband-wife relationship is considered to be the most sacred and pure, but on the other hand, this relationship is such that it is possible to have a fight dispute here.

There are numerous ways to save the relationship and Prayer is one of the best solutions among all of them to solve husband-wife problems. Let’s go through this post to know how it can solve all the problems of your married life. This article is written for all married couples, including those who seek to get married soon.

‘Prayers To Save Your Marriage’offers you the prayers that will help you water the seeds of growth within your home. It will also assist you in discovering the secret things beneficial to a particular issue and also help you to receive revelation knowledge.

When you have tried all within your capacity, and nothing works, that is the right time to get out of the way so that God can have his way. The prayers in this article will assist you in reviving your dying marriage.

1. Prayer of A Committed Couple To Heal Their Marriage

Dear Lord, nothing seems to be going right in our marriage. Lately, we argue over so many things or we walk out in anger or silence, too upset to deal with any issues. Sometimes we fuss about little problems that don’t really matter or hide things that really are important. Lord, we invite Your Holy Spirit into our relationship.

We politely ask You to give us the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is really going on right now. Show us the best way to get rid of the shortcomings that we’ve created through apathy, selfishness, or pride.

Show us again what love and respect look like, and what it means to honor and mutually submit to the other as a man and woman in love with You, Lord. Reveal to us what we cannot see for ourselves.

You are a wise Counselor, and You know exactly what we need. Restore, heal, strengthen, and renew our marriage this very day that You might be given glory. In Your holy name, Amen!

2. Marriage Prayer For A Deeper Understanding of Each Other

Dear Heavenly Father, We pray for a deeper understanding of each other. We have been together for a while, but we are two different people who do things in two different ways and so we ask that You give us the strength to be flexible when we need to be, And give us the patience to handle our emotions wisely.

Help us to be good listeners who are sensitive to the needs of each other. May our differences sharpen each other to grow stronger in faith, and challenge each other to consider new things. Bind us together in unity, and use our differences to strengthen that bond. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

3. Marriage Prayer For The Start of Your Union

Dear God, We praise You for your love and faithfulness. We thank you for your huge grace. We thank you for giving us the power to love well. Thank You for my spouse. Thank You for the gift of marriage. Thank You that You care for us; that You fight for us.

Thank You that You are Redeemer, and You have good in store. We confess, some days, marriage gets tough, and we blow it – again, We ask that you would make us more like you. Please fill our marriage and lives with truth and cover it with blessing. Amen!

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Top Prayers To Solve Husband Wife Problems In A Marriage

4. Prayer To Save The Marriage From The Attack of Enemy

Dear Lord, my marriage is under spiritual attack from the enemy. There are those who are jealous of the relationship we have. Please, God, I pray for the restoration of my marriage. I pray that you will equip us with the strength and wisdom needed to fight for our marriages. I pray against the enemy and his evil schemes to kill and destroy marriages.

Oh Lord, reveal their evil agenda. Expose them and bring their plan to naught. I pray that their seed of discord, hatred, malice, and separation that has been sown is uprooted by fire. Shield us from feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

You are our hope, our only hope. Oh Lord, I pray for an open heart and mind to receive God’s Divine Word and understanding. May my spouse and I draw ever closer to You first, and to each other, second. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

5. Marriage Prayer For The Wounded Husband And Wife

Heavenly and Merciful Father, We come before You today on behalf of marriages that are broken and those that are wounded and hurt. A marriage is never beyond repair. There is always hope for those who put their trust in You, and so we stand in the gap for those couples, Lord asking that You would restore the love between them.

Turn down the wall where they’ve been built, and heal each broken heart. We ask that You would grant understanding and wisdom to those who are going through tough times. Teach them how to forgive, and how to rebuild what they have lost. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

6. A Marriage Prayer To Change The Heart of Husband

Oh Heavenly Father, my heart is hurting because of my broken marriage. Restoration seems impossible now that we are separated. You, Lord, told us in your holy Word that You can turn a heart of stone into a heart of flesh. For this reason, I cry out to You now. Dear Lord, Please bring us back together.

I am asking You to change the heart of my husband so that he would want to reunite with me. Remove the wedge placed between us. Lord, eliminate all persons who come between our union and try to destroy God’s perfect plan for our life, family, and marriage.

I want to live together again and be united as one. May he be guided by the Holy Spirit and seek your counsel every day. I declare that our marriage is preserved to eternity. Help me save my marriage, Lord, please. Amen!

7. Prayer To Save A Marriage From Divorce

Dear Heavenly Father, Please heal us, of wounds that we do not even know are wounds. Where I have hurt my spouse, forgive me. Where my spouse has hurt me, enable me to forgive. We need to let go of our anger, our hurt, and our pain so that we can move forward, Lord, Please help us to do that.

I shall no longer hold on to offense. Divorce is not our portion! This marriage will not fall apart. Revive us, Oh God! Teach us to depend on your power through every difficult moment we face together.

Give us the wisdom to handle our pain wisely and to draw boundaries where they need to be drawn. And when we are hurt, please help us heal. Raise a mighty testimony, In Jesus’s Name! May Your Glory Be Seen In This! Amen!

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Prayers For Loyal Wives To Save Their Troubled Marriages

8. Prayer of A Wife To Restore Her Troubled Marriage

Dear God, I’m desperate for your help. There is so much wrong with our marriage and I don’t know where to start. There have been countless times I have had to fight for my marriage and I know that other wives are doing the same. Lord, you know the relationship of husband and wife depends on trust and love.

If these two things are not there then the relationship cannot survive for a longer period. Heavenly Father, Despite all my efforts, my husband does not abide by the rules you established for this holy relationship. He has been going the wrong way for far too long.

My husband doesn’t have time for me and our children because he is having an extramarital affair with another woman. I requested him repeatedly not to act against the words of God but he doesn’t listen. I’m tired of being angry, hurt, and frustrated all the time.

I don’t want to give up, but it’s so hard, Lord. It seems impossible to fix this marriage, Jesus. But I know You are the God who does impossible things. We need you to do the impossible for us, Lord. Our marriage feels so dead, so lifeless.

You have the power to breathe life into dry bones, You have the strength to make the dead alive again. Dear God, My marriage is now in your hands. You put us together.

Keep us together, Oh God. Please breathe life into our marriage, Lord. Revive. Restore. Rebuild. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

9. A Wifes Prayer To Bring Intimacy In Relationship

Dear Lord, I pray for my marriage today. I pray that my husband and I will both initiate intimacy in our relationship. Lately, we have been short with each other, focused on pursuing other important things, while our marriage suffers. My heart needs emotional connection and my husband needs physical attention.

We both have needs, but we both look to each other to fulfill each other, first. Lord, I pray that we pursue each other passionately regardless of our needs being met. Please, God, rekindle the spark of romantic attraction between us.

Keep the fire of our sexual relationship burning brightly for each other. Soften our hearts, and renew our commitment to one another. Inspire us with fresh ideas to express our love for each other sexually in ways that fulfill both of us.

Empower us to avoid temptations to sin in ways that can damage our sexual relationship with each other. Help us focus on each other and maintain a passionate relationship within our marriage. In the Holy Name of the Lord. Amen!

10. A Marriage Prayer To Introspect Yourself

Do not ask why God saved Her Marriage and not mine. Instead, ask yourself did you have the same faith she showed?

Do not ask why God blessed her with a life full of joy and peace. Instead, ask yourself did you try your best to cleanse yourself?

Do not ask why God bestowed her with a perfect husband. Instead, ask yourself did you own the qualities of a perfect wife?

Always remember our God hears the prayers of everyone, but He gives you only what you prove you are worthy of!

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Beautiful And Influential Prayers For Marriage Restoration

11. Prayer of A Faithful Wife For Restoration of Her Marriage

Dear Heavenly Father, I bow at your holy feet begging for reconciliation in my marriage. I filed for divorce last week only because I had enough of the accusations against me and all the ways I was wrong and did him wrong. I am not perfect, but I have never broken a vow to him. Lord, I pray that you open his eyes and change his heart.

Make him see that this is not what he wants, but the devil trying to destroy our marriage. He has done a lot of wrongs, but I forgive him and know he is a good man. He has a good heart most of the time, but he is so mad and angry. I pray that the Lord heals his hurt and angry heart and replaces it with a heart of flesh.

May he find forgiveness in me and may we want to work on our marriage. Heavenly Father, I know with you all things are possible. I do not want this divorce. I do not want to start over. I want to celebrate my next wedding anniversary and watch our children grow together.

We have had so many wonderful years together and he just wants to walk away. Lord, I pray you forbid him and bring him back home. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

12. Prayer of A Couple To Save The Marriage From Divorce

Lord Jesus, I come before You boldly asking for Your divine intervention in our marriage. Our marriage is crumbling, and we’re stumbling over the word, “divorce.” We’ve both been listening to other “voices,” telling us just to give up—it’s not worth the fight.

We don’t want to destroy our relationship or break the promises we made to each other until death parts us. And we know Your desire is for healing too. But we don’t know what to do to revive our sacred bond.

So, dear Lord, we ask for your divine wisdom, grace, patience, strength, and love to persevere through this valley of despair. All our hopes and expectations are in You. Divorce is not what we want. Through the precious name of Jesus. Amen!

13. A Prayer For Restoration of A Marriage In Trouble

Dear God, I seek your blessings to heal my troubled marriage. Lord, I’m sorry we have not made You the center of our marriage like we meant to. I’m sorry I haven’t been the wife, his helper, that I should have been. Please forgive me, Father. You created us from dust. Lord, Please breathe life into our marriage.

We’ve abandoned our first love for each other and we need help to find the way back again. The actions, attitudes, and emotions that have brought us to this place didn’t happen overnight. And we know it will take time to undo all the things that brought us here.

Lord, You have the power to lift up anyone who may be threatened by divorce or separation. And You have promised to teach us in the way we should go. You know every wife’s circumstances. I pray you guide and lead me to a place of peace, a place of healing, a place of transformation.

Lord, I pray You to protect my marriage from the enemy’s schemes and the threat of separation and divorce. May You bring our marriage to restoration in Jesus’s name. Amen!

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Amazing Prayers For Marriage Healing For Trusty Husbands

14. Powerful Marriage Prayer of A Husband For His Wife

Merciful Father, thank you for partnering me with someone special to be my spouse. You have given us both responsibilities as husband and wife and I trust that, as we walk in faith and unwavering love, you will safeguard us from the evil forces in this unpredictable world.

Lord, Please protect us from the temptation to entertain thoughts that we should not, and give us the wisdom to feed our minds well. I pray that our flesh and selfishness will not get in the way of your will for us. I also pray that we won’t give up trying, no matter how hard it gets.

Dear God, Give us pure thoughts and guide us to reflect on them carefully. Your word tells us not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. And so we ask that You help us to do this Lord.

Give us a hunger and thirst for righteousness, so that we might meditate on Your word. For we know that righteous living must start from within before it moves out. May we stand and fight for our marriages every day without weariness in Jesus’s name? Amen!

15. Beautiful Prayer of A Husband To Support His Marriage

Lord Jesus, I pray you will be glorified in my marriage. Wherever I find myself, in good times or bad times help me to reflect your character, In faith, I wait for change and healing in my marriage. Meanwhile, I lean on your strength and believe you will guide me, and give me wisdom and strength so I can honor your name.

Lord, I claim victory over my marriage right now through Your powerful and precious Name. Dear God, make a way where there seems to be none. I thank You and praise You for what You are already doing right now. I commit this situation into Your hands.

I do not see the whole picture. I can see what is mine to do: To Pray, To Write, To Take Positive Action on my own behalf, and then to Let Go. Knowing this, I can accept whatever comes. Thank You, God. Amen!

16. Marriage Prayer of A Husband Seeking Forgiveness

Dear Lord, Thank you for the wife you have blessed me with. May my wife and I seek you first before any other thing? God, please help me to be forgiving and tolerant towards my wife. Lord help, my spouse and me not to yield to any temptation that may come our way.

Help me consistently invest time and energy into our marriage—despite other demands like work and parenting—so that our emotional connection won’t be neglected. Soften my heart toward her. Lord help me bridle my tongue and not say hurtful things to my wife.

Help me to see Her the way You see her. If I got angry, may I harness that anger so I won’t sin against You? Lord, Bring to my mind the plans You have for her, the gifts You have given her, and all the wonderful ways You created her to be. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

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Best Prayers To Restore A Disturbed Or Broken Marriage

17. Marriage Prayer To Help & Support Struggling Relationships

Dear Lord, May you comfort husbands and wives who are struggling in their relationship. Each one of us is dealing with marital issues and these trials can be challenging. May You protect couples from letting circumstances, situations, or sin cripple marriage. I pray that You would radically transform our hearts.

Lord, please teach us how to resolve conflict, forgive each other, and grow in love! Give us the wisdom we need to communicate clearly with each other and better understand each other. Surround us with caring and trustworthy people who will encourage and support us as we work to build a better marriage.

Open our hearts to you, each other, and your holy angels, so that we can fully receive the blessings you want to send us. May you reconcile the couples contemplating divorce. Remind them of why they got married, and show them how they can have a stronger marriage together.

Help them to stay focused on you as our top priority each day. May you be glorified through marriages in Jesus’ name. Amen!

18. A Powerful Prayer For Couples Having Disturbed Marriages

Dear God, I pray for the troubled marriages today. The enemy is doing everything in his power to destroy the beautiful picture of marriage that You have created. Even among believers, there is adultery, laziness, abuse, divorce, and worse. There are many marriages that are so broken and falling apart.

Lord, please bring conviction where conviction is needed. Please bring healing where healing is needed. Open the lines of communication, and allow forgiveness and kindness to reign in our conversations.

Help us to bind up the enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy rendering him powerless. Pour Your Spirit out on our marriages and transform us. Cause a revival in our homes. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

19. Prayer of Saint John Henry Newman

May the Lord support us all day long, Till the shades lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in his mercy may He give us a safe lodging, holy rest, and peace at the last. Amen!

20. 10 Bible Verses To Pray For Your Marriage

Lord, may we never forget that You rescued us from the dominion of darkness. May we show that same forgiveness to our spouse.

Colossians 3:13-14

Lord, may we delight in You, May our marriage be like a tree planted by a stream that yields fruit in season.

Psalm 1:1-3

Father, Give us Your kind of love for our spouse. And grow us in patience and honor for one another.

Corinthians 13:4-8

God, help us to not do anything out of selfish ambition, but to pull each other first.

Philippians 2:3-7

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Romans 12:10

The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.

Romans 8:18

Lord, may we joyfully submit to one another out of reverence for You.

Ephesians 5:21-33

God, create in both of us a pure heart, seeking You first in all things.

Psalm 51:10

Heavenly Father, may we delight in our spouse.

Song of Solomon 4:19

With Christ, we can weather any storm.

Psalm 107:29

Final Words About Prayers For Marriage Restoration

We hope you have liked these beautiful Prayers to Restore Broken Marriages. A Prayer is considered the most powerful medium to fulfill your incomplete wishes. Whether you are in an emotionally draining or physically abusive relationship or marriage, it will be of great benefit, if you can pray with your heart and soul.

Always have firm faith in the supremacy of God and Your marriage shall be restored today. If these prayers don’t pertain to you or If you are not struggling in your own marriage then please stand in the gap for those who are. Many are hurting around us. They need our prayers.

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